Title | The title should be clear and concise and include one page in Thai and one page in English. Use a bold font size of 18 point and centered on the page. Every English word begins with capitalization, except for the article, conjunction, and preposition which shorter than 5 characters, use all lowercase letters such as a, an ,, in, on etc. Example of the title: Electronic Braille Learning Set for Beginners |
Author: | Provide full first name and last name of all authors without title. Put “and” before the name of the last author. Enter the numerals suffix in Arabic after the last name and the asterisk for the corresponding author. Use 15 simple fonts at the center of the page. |
Affiliation: | Type the academic title (if any), the name of the institution or institution of all authors sorted by number at the bottom margin of the paper both in Thai and English. For the Corresponding Author, enter the telephone number and e-mail contact. Use a font size of 12 point aligned left of the page. |
Abstract: | An abstract should be written after the title and should be no longer than 250 words. There must be both in Thai and English with the same content on each page. Format the abstract in single column with indent 5 mm. The abstract should be written accurately and carefully in a way that the main contents and conclusion of the paper are understandable as a stand-alone document. Do not cite figures, tables or references in the abstract. Use a font size of 15 point. |
Keyword: | Type "Keywords:" in the last line of the Thai and English abstract use a font size of 15 point bold letters. The content is regular letters. For Thai keywords, if there are many keywords, put a comma (,) between words. For English keywords, sort alphabetically A-Z and use all lowercase except for unique names. |
Text | Research Articles include: (The content is divided into 2 columns)
 | Introduction describes important aspect or the source of the problem that leads to the study objective and may include a literature review |  | Materials and Methods discuss briefly detailed, analysis concise and clear experiments. |  | Results show the finding clearly and completely in detail. Clear pictures or tables may include describing. |  | Discussion and Conclusion may be combined with experimental results. To evaluate the interpretation and analysis in various aspects, the principles or theories to supported or rationalized, and suggestions to use research results should be stated. |
Acknowledgment: (if any) | Briefly state the sources of research funding. |
References: | Cite references in numeric order in the text, using IEEE 2006 format only. Display a list of references at the end of the text. All citations that appear in the manuscript must be in the references. The reference is based on academic principles and is in English only. |
Tables, Figures and Equations: | Characters in Tables, Figures, should be uncapitalized in principal. Do not display tables and figures on separate pages. Embed in the text at appropriate locations in appropriate sizes, anticipating the appearance on printed pages. Number the figures and photographs in numeric order by order of mention (for example; Fig. 1, Fig. 2) and number tables similarly (for example; Table 1, Table 2). Place the figure title below the figure, and the table title above the table. The tables and figures should be recorded in the form of .jpg attached with the manuscript files, after correcting as per the suggestions of the experts. All the tables and figures contained in the article must be quoted in the manuscript. Equation must be print in the center of the column with numbered in the parentheses. The equation number must be on the right edge of the column. |
Appendix (If any) | |
Criteria for consideration | The manuscript will be evaluated by at least 2 experts in related field. The authors may be requested to improve the manuscripts by the editorial board which reserves the right to publish or reject the manuscript.- The qualified reader considers the content and manuscript quality (Peer Review)
- For manuscripts that are part of a graduate study, they must be pre-examined by the editorial staff before submitting to the qualified reader.
- The editorial staff reserves the right to disqualify the publication not only in case of abstracts and the manuscript is not conforming to the specified format but also in case of the authors refuse to correct the manuscript as per the recommendations of the experts.
- Copyright of the article is owned by the author and is protected by law. Republish must be allowed in written by the author.
Submitting a Manuscript: | Submit and validate the manuscript based on the specified format to the editorial board as address shown below. For more information, please contact the Coordinating and Management section. Tel. +66 2 555-2000 ext.1804 Mobile 098-9912548 email: jtechEE@fte.kmutnb.ac.th |