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Triacetin as Lubricant Additive: Slipping Friction between Metal Pairs under Boundary Lubrication

Wattanapat Kumwannaboon, Sathaporn Chuepeng, Cholada Komintarachat


Friction between rubbing pairs plays a key role in operating machines in an efficient approach. In some intended works or occasional circumstances, slipping friction may occur during dry or boundary lubrication. Lubricating mechanical equipment using proper and efficient lubricant agents is tremendously necessary. This work explores the synthesized triacetin as an additive for lubricant under slipping friction between steel rollers and aluminum, brass, copper, and stainless-steel rods under boundary lubrication. The metal surface morphology under the lubricant with 10% triacetin additive covering roughness periphery is investigated by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope imaging. In the dry slipping condition, the friction coefficient is lower for the copper-steel pair compared to the aluminum-steel combination. Compared to the absence of triacetin additive, the steel roller combinations with the rod metal specimens undergoing boundary lubrication with 10% triacetin additive in the lubricant can reduce the slipping friction coefficient by up to 49.2% in the case of steel roller and brass rod pair. The quantitative influences of triacetin additive on metal rubbing pair friction coefficients under boundary lubrication are inversely exponential correlated to triacetin additive, varying in the range of 0 to 10% v/v.


Additives, Boundary, Friction, Lubricant, Metal, Triacetin

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DOI: 10.14416/j.asep.2022.01.002


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