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Activated Carbon from Coconut Shell: Synthesis and Its Commercial Applications-A Recent Review

Nilufer Anwar Basha, Thirumalaisamy Rathinavel, Harini Sridharan


Biomass is abundant in nature and can be utilized for the innovation of new materials. The selectivity of renewable energy resource for the production of activated carbon is quite challenging. This is because of the variance in the yield percentage of carbon. Our current review focuses on production of activated carbon obtained from coconut shell and its commercial applications in various fields. It gives complete structure of the different carbon materials that are activated in the form of a matrix, composite, deposition layer and graphene form. The significance of the bioresources is described as a starting material to produce AC to meet the challenges of the industrial and biomedical fields. The importance of parameters during carbon activation, such as carbonization temperature, selection of activating agents and the suitable method was discussed in detail. The importance of coconut shell as the best biomass producing highly efficient AC is compared with other raw materials. A deep insight into the study of raw materials essential for the preparation of activated carbon (AC) has been studied and reviewed thoroughly for the manifestation of efficient bioresource. Coconut shell is an underutilized renewable agricultural waste for production of AC via various synthesis protocols. This review explains the significance of coconut shell as a cheap substrate and eco-friendly material and the application of activated carbon for wastewater treatment, drug delivery, fabrication of energy storage devices and as an adsorbing agent.


Activated carbon, Biomass, Coconut shell, Energy

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