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Modeling of Car-to-motorcycle Overtaking Maneuver Based on Comfort Zone Boundaries

Sitthichok Sitthiracha, Saiprasit Koetniyom, Gridsada Phanomchoeng


Thailand has one of the world's highest road fatality rates, mainly on motorcycles. In mixed traffic, motorcycles coexist with other vehicles. The interaction between cars and motorcycles, such as overtaking due to speed differences, can lead to accidents. This scenario also has implications for autonomous vehicles interacting with motorcycles. To increase safety in such interactions, a model was developed that simulates overtaking maneuvers of car drivers with motorcycles, using the concept of comfort zone boundary and a four-phase classification. In a driving simulator, 648 overtaking maneuvers collected from 36 Thai drivers were recorded with different lateral positions and speeds of the motorcycles. A novel graphical method using steering wheel angle and steering wheel velocity signals facilitated the identification of the phases. Time-to-collision and lateral distance characterized driver comfort zones and served as an indicator for safety measures. The lateral position of the motorcycle has proven to be the most influential factor in the model. The results suggest that overtaking vehicles exhibit non-lane-bound driving characteristics and a risk for the sideswipe accident is identified. These results provide a foundational framework for advanced driver assistance systems and motion planning of autonomous vehicles, contributing to improved road safety.


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DOI: 10.14416/j.asep.2024.06.008


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