Applied Science and Engineering Progress (ISSN: 2672-9156, Online-ISSN: 2673-0421) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed by at least two independent reviewers, open access scientific journal, free of charge, published by King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB) since 2008. Applied Science and Engineering Progress published original research articles, reviews, and editorial corner in areas of applied science and engineering. The journal also publishes high quality and peer-reviewed papers presented at conference hosted/co-hosted by KMUTNB to expand the research connection between scientists and engineers. Applied Science and Engineering Progress also aims to introduce research progress of applied science and achievements of engineering development to the world community by demonstrating the significance of research investigations and demonstrations.
Journal Abbreviation: Appl. Sci. Eng. Prog.
Language: English
Publication Fee: No article publication charge (APC)
Issues per Year: 4 Issues (Jan-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December)
Journal Statistics
Average days to acceptance: 60 days
Average days to first decision: 4 days
Acceptance rate in 2024: 12.3%
SCOPUS Citations/article during 2019-2024 is 6.3 (update 16 Dec. 2024)
A Comprehensive Review of Approaches in Carbon Capture, and Utilization to Reduce Greenhouse Gases |
Ijlal Raheem,
Atthasit Tawai,
Suksun Amornraksa,
Malinee Sriariyanun,
Ankit Joshi,
Madhulika Gupta,
Wasinee Pongprayoon,
Debraj Bhattacharyya
Sunil Kumar Maity
Article 7629 |
A Review on the Effect of Ultrasonic-Assisted Curing on the Quality of Meat Products |
Yongzheng Hu,
Suvaluk Asavasanti,
Roungdao Klinjapo,
Watanya Chaisayan,
Patchanee Yasurin,
Nicharee Wisuthiphaet
Qiuxia Shen
Article 7628 |
Biomass Pyrolysis: A Comprehensive Review of Production Methods, Derived Products, and Sustainable Applications in Advanced Materials |
Joko Waluyo,
Ibnu Tryansar Purba,
Zhufara Adhil Linanggeng,
Muhammad Luthfi Maulana,
Ekkachai Kanchanatip,
Mi Yan
Dwi Hantoko
Article 7645 |
Fiber Surface Treatments for Lightweight PA6 Composites |
Rungsima Yeetsorn,
Waritnan Wanchan,
Mesum Abbas,
Yaowaret Maiket,
Gaurav Kumar Yogesh,
Budsaba Karoonsit
Edmund Haberstroh
Article 7543 |
An Overview of the Role of Vermicompost in Reducing Green House Gas Emissions, Improving Soil Health, and Increasing Crop Yields |
Oluwaseyi Matthew Abioye,
Matthew Folorunsho Amodu,
David Olorungbon Raphael,
David Ayodeji Olasehinde,
Mathias Maduakolam Aniobi,
Kamorudeen Olaniyi Yusuf
Adebayo Isaac Olosho
Article 7586 |
Carica papaya-Derived Carbon Nanodots for the Detection of Fe (III) Ions |
Gopinath Prasanth,
Gattumane Motappa Madhu,
Nagaraju Kottam
Smrithi Sailaja Prasannakumaran Nair
Article 7571 |
Facile Synthesis of Glutathione-Copper Nanoparticles for 3-Monochloropropanediol Colorimetric Detection |
Yora Faramitha,
Firda Dimawarnita,
Irma Kresnawati,
Muhammad Hanif Ainun Azhar,
Havid Aqoma,
Alfian Ferdiansyah
Adam Febriyanto Nugraha
Article 7621 |
Gelatin Gel from By-products of Sand Jellyfish (Rhopilema hispidum): Physicochemical and Biochemical Characterization |
Wiriya Charoenchokpanich,
Pratchaya Muangrod,
Benjawan Thumthanaruk,
Vilai Rungsardthong,
Sittiruk Roytrakul,
Sawanya Charoenlappanit,
Benjamaporn Wonganu
Federico Casanova
Article 7615 |
Low Temperature Sintering Al-B Doped-LLZO for All-Solid-State Lithium Battery |
Fitria Rahmawati,
Imam Shofid Alaih,
Hartoto Nursukatmo,
Hanida Nilasari,
Soraya Muzayanza,
Mohamad Firdaus Armaka
Edo Raihan
Article 7551 |
Parameterization on Fructose-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticle Synthesis by Non-thermal Atmospheric Pressure Helium Plasma Jet |
Jirapong Sornsakdanuphap,
Khuanjarat Choengpanya,
Chanthana Susawaengsup,
Lueacha Tabtimmai
Kiattawee Choowongkomon
Article 7548 |
Sonophotopythochemical Functionalization of Graphene Oxide - Al - Zn Bimetal Nanocomposite for Corrosion Inhibition |
Carlou Siga-an Eguico,
Maribel Mago Abanto,
Hershey Tambo Cendaña,
Denisse Anne Perez Famero,
Kauthar Belandres Pediongco,
Albert Dela Cruz Evangelista
Rugi Vicente Del Castillo Rubi
Article 7613 |
Techno-Economic Feasibility: Planning an On-Grid Solar Power System for Shrimp Pond Aeration |
Aripriharta Aripriharta,
Arya Wahyu Sukma Adji,
Muhammad Cahyo Bagaskoro,
Saodah Omar
Gwo-Jiun Horng
Article 7616 |